Have things always been this way?
In our last communication we showed that in 2022 critical changes were made to the church constitution affecting the governance of CCA. We shared that information in order to contrast statements made by CBC leadership that nothing has changed. There is another parallel narrative being put forward to support this idea that nothing has changed. This second narrative alleges that the CCA School Board has always been an advisory committee, and that CBC leadership has always been the sole governing agency of the school.
“The word ‘Board’ implies governance and the only governing body is the Church Board.” . . . “Please note that the function of this standing committee has not changed since its inception.”
- From Pastor Mike Lashbaugh’s Email to CCA Parents and Faculty/Staff
At this time, there is a shared feeling of unrest, unease, and uncertainty among parents, teachers, and CCA staff. We believe that these emotions are being felt because CCA is being portrayed and shaped into a ministry that we do not recognize. Hoping to better understand these feelings the PAB has looked to the past, and have asked former CCA Administrators, CBC Pastors, and School Board members to answer questions about how things were when they served at CCA.
What was your understanding of the governance of CCA?
“…for 14 years it was very clear and consistent that the CCA Board and CCA Ministry was run independently with only needing to share the balanced budget and certain things for review and approval by the CBC Deacons and Pastor. I cannot recall a single time in those 14+ years that CBC did not approve things without maybe a few questions for clarification which were resolved and CCA was able to serve the Lord in His Ministry at CCA.”
- Matt Dillow - School Board Member 14 years“It was a ministry of the church and was separate in its function. CCA had its own budget, staff and Admin. Church supported the school and knew it was a separate unit.”
- Pastor Bruce McBride - CBC Pastor 11 years“It was my understanding that the School Board was the agency that governed the policies of the Christian School. All hiring of school personnel, for example, was decided on by the School Board. Monthly meetings were held to discuss issues that may have come up. Policies could be changed by the Board if there was a consensus among its members.”
- Pastor Floyd Rinehart - CCA School Administrator 7 years
What role did the Deacon Board of CBC serve in the governance of CCA?
“For over 14 years I can personally attest to and 50 years total I have been told about, the CCA Board ran the school and shared the expenses of CBC but as long as we balanced our budget and adhered to our charter and the Christian principles the CBC Deacons and Pastor did not interfere with or direct CCA at all.”
- Matt Dillow - School Board Member 14 years“If memory serves me, there were to be three CBC deacons serving on the CCA school board. So if there were ever concerns about school board decisions, they were discussed and worked out before ever going to the full CBC Deacon Board for their final approval.”
- Rusty Kitzmiller - CCA Developmental Director 26 years“We always had 1 deacon on the school board to act as its representative. The Deacons never ruled over the school board. It was up to 3 deacons could serve but we only had (1). The school board presented its budget to the deacons and they in turn presented it to the church for a vote.”
- Pastor Bruce McBride - CBC Pastor 11 years“It is my recollection that the Deacon Board had delegated the authority to the School Board to make internal changes to the policies and procedures regarding the daily activities of the School.”
- Pastor Floyd Rinehart - CCA School Administrator 7 years
During your tenure, did the Deacon Board/Church ever override anything approved by the CCA School Board? If so, please provide examples.
“Very few instances in my 14 years were even questioned/challenged once the CCA Board worked to balance the budget or update review or change the CCA charter or day to day management and leadership of CCA.”
- Matt Dillow - School Board Member 14 years“During my almost 27 years of service, I did not remember the CBC Deacon Board ever rejecting or overriding the CCA School Board.”
- Rusty Kitzmiller - CCA Developmental Director 26 years“not that I can remember....”
- Pastor Bruce McBride - CBC Pastor 11 years“I do not remember the Deacon Board or Church overriding decisions approved by the CCA School Board.”
- Pastor Floyd Rinehart - CCA School Administrator 7 years
During your tenure, did you ever view the CCA School Board as an advisory committee to CBC?
“No, never. We were our own independent organization that rolled up to a larger part of the organization as is the case in almost all organizations. We were able to set policies, update and revise the charter and day to day CCA policies and CBC was able to review and provide feedback but it was never a dictatorship and respectfully support the men and women that were dedicated to serving the Lord in His Ministry of CCA.”
- Matt Dillow - School Board Member 14 years“No.”
- Pastor Floyd Rinehart - CCA School Administrator 7 years“Absolutely NOT! The Deacons had full confidence in the School Board, its members, and the school administrators to do their job of overseeing CCA and its day to day operations, so the Church Deacon Board could concentrate on running their many other ministries of the church and doing their purpose and goal to share the Gospel of Jesus with our community and disciple members and new believers through our AWANA program, Youth Groups, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Summer Church Camps, Missions Budget, Sunday morning and evening services., CARE groups, and prayer meetings.”
- Rusty Kitzmiller - CCA Developmental Director 26 years“No - never.... they had full authority to run the school - never an advisory role.”
- Pastor Bruce McBride - CBC Pastor 11 years
It is clear from the testimonies of these men that while there has always been church board oversight, CCA in the past was governed by a school board. In its accredited form, CCA has never been governed directly by a deacon board with advice offered from a standing committee. To state otherwise is to distort facts and disregard the past governance structure of CCA.
This change of the CCA School Board to the CCA Committee could be seen as merely a change in language, however, as stated by Pastor Mike, “The word ‘Board’ implies governance and the only governing body is the Church Board.” This change has removed the authority of the CCA school board to oversee the operation of the school. As result of this lack of authority, the CCA school board was unable to intervene on the actions taken by CBC leadership that have resulted in the distress and anxiety that staff, teachers, and concerned parents feel today.
Our stated mission and continuing desire is the reinstatement of a CCA School Board as defined in the 2019 CCA Policy Manual. Bearing in mind that current decisions made by 1 pastor and 3 deacons can adversely affect the lives of over 200 families, we appeal to the CBC leadership to immediately restore the 2019 CCA Policy Manual and return the day-to-day operations to the authority of a CCA School Board.
CCA Parent Advocacy Board