The Fallout

What’s Next?

We have established that CBC leadership did in fact change their constitution in 2022, specifically degrading the role and function of the CCA school board to a committee limited to an advisory role. Governing authority was thereby taken away from the CCA school board and given to the Church Board.

We were told that these constitutional changes were only made to reflect the true function of the CCA committee since its inception.  In our last communication we shared testimonies from key individuals formerly associated with the school and church, and all confirmed that the governance of CCA was the duty of the CCA school board and was never held solely by the Church Board.

What has transpired recently in the absence of a functioning school board?

  • Bypassing the school board and providing no notification to the school administration or teachers, the Senior Pastor distributed surveys to students as young as kindergarteners, asking them to evaluate their Administrator’s performance. Any sort of an evaluation is the duty of a school board and should not have been asked of students without school board approval. Several teachers, feeling this survey approach inappropriate, collected the surveys prior to them being filled out by students.

  • This distribution of surveys led to a meeting with teachers, where the Administrator invited the Senior Pastor to attend. At this meeting, the Senior Pastor declared his sole authority and lack of accountability to anyone at CCA for his actions. This meeting descended into an angry exchange between the Senior Pastor and teachers. Following this, without input from the school board, one teacher’s contract was not renewed and her employment effectively ended.

  • Teacher’s contracts that should have been handled by the school board were modified by the Senior Pastor insisting that they recognize his position as CEO. This pressured teachers to acknowledge an authority they felt they had never been subject to in the past.

  • An attempt was made to remove the school administrator who has faithfully served at the school for 30+ years without the consent of the school board. This action was taken without consideration that it could have resulted in an abrupt end to the operation of CCA in the middle of the school year.

  • Parents, without a school board to speak to, were left with no clear path for answers since church leadership denied their request to meet.

  • After requests made by parents that the school board be reinstated, CBC doubled down on their own, sole authority over the school. While claiming full charge of the situation, CBC leadership offered no solution to the current crisis and no vision for the future of the school.

  • Faithful parents have become fed up with the strain on their families and the obvious unaccountable power grab that is playing out before them. Families who love the school and value an excellent Christ-centered education, now question their children’s future enrollment due to their lack of trust in those who have claimed ultimate authority over the school.

What we have witnessed and experienced the last several months is the fallout from the actions taken by CBC leadership to remove governing authority from the CCA School Board, and place it solely on themselves. The 2019 CCA Policy Manual outlines a clear and adequate structure to govern and oversee the day-to-day operations of the school. This structure has been followed with success for decades. Undermining of the school board and policy manual has led to chaos and reckless actions without proper checks and balances.

Acting from our mission, we strive for the following outcomes: to maintain the uninterrupted Christian education of our children, the professional support for and job security of CCA teachers, clear delegation of authority for school administrative staff, and assurance that existing policy empowers a reinstated school board with the commission to govern all aspects of CCA in accordance with the 2019 School Policy Manual and ACSI guidelines. The CCA school board must have a distinct function from that of any associated church board.

We continue to strive for reconciliation and collaboration with the CCA Committee, the School Administrator, and Teachers. We call on all of these parties to meet with us at the same table to achieve this mission.

Parents, we call upon you to sign the following statement:

“I am a parent of a CCA student and I stand united with other parents, committed to see the CCA School Board reinstated in accordance with the 2019 CCA Policy Manual. We call upon the CCA Committee, School Administrator, Teacher representatives, and the PAB to meet together with the shared goal of reconciliation and the continued operation of CCA.”

Please click on the link below to add your signature.

We truly appreciate your patience, prayer, and support over these last several months. We are determined to remain steadfast and persevere until our children’s future education at CCA has been ensured.

CCA Parent Advocacy Board