About the PAB

Mission Statement

The mission of the Calvary Christian Academy Parent Advocacy Board (CCA PAB) is to promote the uninterrupted Christian education of our children and ensure policy exists that empowers a reinstated school board with the authority to govern all aspects of Calvary Christian Academy (CCA), in accordance with the School Policy Manual and ACSI guidelines. This reinstated school board must have a distinct function from that of any associated church board. We intend to achieve this mission by fostering a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration between the school board and church deacons, bridging any gaps through open dialogue, understanding, and mutual respect. We are dedicated to mediating and resolving differences in a way that strengthens our collective mission to support the uninterrupted spiritual and educational growth of our community.

(Adopted 11/23/24)


On November 14th, 86 concerned parents joined to send a letter to the Calvary Baptist Church Deacon Board and the Calvary Christian Academy School Committee seeking clarity on various ongoing issues. No response was given. On Sunday, November 17th concerned parents attended the worship service at Calvary Baptist Church knowing that it would be followed by a business meeting that the group of parents believed would result in a vote to terminate the Associate Pastor of Education/Superintendent of Calvary Christian Academy, Dan Thompson.

Immediately after, the meeting was called to order, the parents were asked to leave as most are not members of the church. An appeal for the attending parents to be present for the meeting made by a church member was not honored nor taken to a vote. Authorities were called to have the parents removed, however, all parents peacefully exited the meeting. While outside of the building, Maryland State Police did arrive, but promptly left with no incident.

While we remained outside praying and discussing how we can bring reconciliation and ensure that our children’s education is uninterrupted, a Calvary Christian Academy Parent Advocacy Board was established and then reaffirmed on Monday, Nov. 18th. The purpose of this Advocacy Board is to mediate between the church, school, and parents. Our priority is to use wisdom and discernment in all steps of this process. The members of this Parent Advocacy Board have consistently acted in accordance with the Bible with the sole mission of improving relationships to provide the Christian education that we desire for our children.

Review detailed timeline of events (5/24 - 12/24)