CCA Family and Friends,
This has been a frustrating season, full of doubt and uncertainty. Our efforts to seek answers and open dialogue with Calvary Baptist Church (CBC) leadership have been rejected. They have acted as though they do not value our role and input as parents, grandparents, friends, or supporters of Calvary Christian Academy (CCA). Christian authority entails the responsibility of being caring, approachable, and open to reason toward everyone affected by that leadership. We are witnesses to a tragic failure on these grounds.
Not only have we been ignored, but we have also been accused of meddling in church affairs, fear mongering, divisive actions, slanderous speech, and demanding changes to the CBC constitution. What CBC leadership fails to realize is that this is not about gaining power or altering policy. This is about our children, and our children deserve to have the best spiritual and educational environment we can possibly provide. For many years past, we have shared good memories of love and trust between the school and our families. Sadly, that environment is in serious jeopardy because of the current crisis caused by the actions of CBC leadership.
This crisis, which was sparked by an incident between the senior pastor and one of our most beloved teachers, has led to the unceremonious end of her tenure and has started us all down this troubled path. Since then, teachers have written letters and attempted to meet with CBC leadership. In their letters, the same teachers who have invested so much in our children, have pleaded for answers, for reconciliation, and for their own job security. Parents have also written letters seeking answers and reconciliation. Instead of responding to these letters in a timely way, or inviting a public meeting to resolve concerns, CBC leadership has instead made a failed attempt to remove Mr. Thompson, broadcast to teachers and parents asserting Pastor Mike's leadership over the school, and effectively shut down communication with the Parent Advocacy Board (PAB) with an email scolding us for our attempt to represent the parents.
Ultimately, all efforts to communicate and collaborate with CBC leadership have been rejected. We have no other option but to appeal to you, the families, friends, and supporters of CCA.
We will be sharing with you details of the story, as best we know, explaining how we have reached this crisis point. We intend to explain why we are in this current state. We do not believe current CBC leadership has demonstrated the wisdom or the integrity to be trusted with final authority in all school matters of policy and practice at CCA.
We recognize that these communications from us can be lengthy. In an attempt to make these concerns clearer, we will address each issue independently. This will give us the opportunity to clearly present what we know. We hope that this allows you to carefully consider, thoughtfully respond to, and deeply appreciate the weight of each concerning issue.